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Types of Cancer

Carcinomas: attack the epithelial cells that line the outer and inner surfaces of the body. Most common type of cancer in America, affecting 1 out of every six people in the United States. Ex. Breast, prostate, colon, lungs, pancreas, and skin.


Sarcomas: malignancies of cells in muscles, bones, and cartilage. Only count for 2% of all cancer in adults.


Lymphomas: cancers that form in the lymphatic system


Leukemia: cancers that attack the blood and blood-forming tissues, such as the bone marrow. It leads to proliferation of WBC in the bloodstream and bone marrow, which impair the immune system.

Coping with Cancer

Cancer and cancer treatment can cause stress upon patients and their family members.

Patients can become worried even after the treatment was successful. They will think about the “WHAT IF”. What if the cancer comes back?

At diagnosis, during treatment, and even years after treatment, people with a history of cancer report higher levels of depression, anxiety, anger, and hostility.

Fear, stress and uncertainty doesn’t go away.


Cancer Fighting Foods

Fruits, beans and peas.

Whole grain healthy carbs

Good fats (unsaturated), plant oils

Organic coffee in moderation

Dark green, yellow and orange vegetables are rich in carotenoids (light absorbing pigments found in plants).

Foods that block carcinogenic processes in body cells are antioxidants such as Vitamin A and C.

Carcinogenic- any type of substance that causes cancer.

Risks Of Cancer

Tobacco Use

Diet and Alcohol-cancer causing foods

Lack of Physical Activity

Overweight and obesity

Family History

Environmental and Occupational Hazards


Stress and Immunocompetence

Childhood Adversity- stress in early life.

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